KNOCK-KNOCK, WHO’S THERE? is a new musical about the strange things that can show up at our front door. Your order from Amazon? Great! But what about a grumpy neighbor who demands you trim that overgrown tree in your yard? Or a political candidate you already hate? Or someone from the census?
KNOCK-KNOCK—is playful and funny, and at the same time no joke. It represents the government coming right into their family, and immigrants in particular can be understandably wary. Yet there are real benefits to being counted—and real costs for not participating, whether or not you get “caught” at it. KNOCK-KNOCK, WHO’S THERE? visits through both sorts of America’s neighborhoods, where census believers and non-believers all mix it up in a high-energy comedy loosely modeled after the iconic television show “Laugh-In.” (Ask any boomer whose family had a TV around 1969.)
Four performances of this short original musical will be at the El Salon Theatre, 114 West Hall St, San Ysidro. RESERVE YOUR FREE TICKETS RIGHT HERE.
August 29-30-31 at 7:00pm,
and Matinee Saturday at 2:00pm
Directed by William Virchis and written by Paul James Kruse, KNOCK-KNOCK is performed by a company of eight: Victoria Ortiz, Athena Chenot, Marina Martin, Christina BeBes Murguia, Jose Carlos Lopez, Frankie Taitingfong, Bruno Bosardi, and Anthony Hamm.

KNOCK-KNOCK, WHO’S THERE? was developed through a partnership between Teatro Máscara Mágica and Asian Story Theater. It is the 4th community development product of our multicultural THE LAST CENSUS project, with financial support from the Prebys Foundation and a City of San Diego IMPACT grant, as well as our venue host Casa Familiar.