Category Fringe Festival – 2023

Job: Assistant Producer

Asian Story Theater is looking to hire at least one person to assist or lead work on multiple diverse projects. We’re looking for someone who brings adaptability, creativity, and enthusiasm to all their work. Asian Story Theater produces original works…

The Coffee Plays at Fringe

THE COFFEE PLAYS are coming to San Diego International Fringe Festival, May 2023. Click on THE COFFEE PLAYS in the menu atop this page, or choose CONTINUE READING for active links. These go to FOR TICKETS, or for…


TARGETS is a new collaborative play focusing on the American history of targeting specific API communities for prejudice and racism. Historical figures, celebrity impressions, and new characters, along with short segments from various past Asian Story Theater shows are included.…

AST legacy interface

Not all of our 30-year history has been migrated to the new interface. For nostalgia buffs, here is the previous interface, including some yet-to-be-migrated information. Ye Old Interface

See the Elephant!

SEE THE ELEPHANT is an interactive workshop in visual storytelling. Actual journals of people around the world come to the California Gold Rush of 1848 will be interpreted through student workshops presented in 3 Promise Zone libraries. Artist Kalí Kamaria…

Ms. Pac-Rat

Celebrate the Lunar New Year with Asian Story Theater’s brand-new show for families, MS. PAC-RAT. Lovely costumes, gravity-defying martial arts, catchy music and dance–all performed by puppets and a few brave audience volunteers. Chinese New Year Cultural FaireSaturday February 8…


Open audition for the world premiere of WHAT ARE YOU? Co-presented by Asian Story Theater with Teatro Mascara Magica and San Diego Black Ensemble Theatre. WHAT ARE YOU? is the complicated game of growing up hapa-, multiple-, or mixed-race in…